Increase your knowledge, skills and confidence as a gender specialist.

The end goal? Maximising transformative change for gender equality.

Our trainings are grounded in feminist pedagogical principles. 

– Participatory, horizontal, experiential learning
– Engagement with personal and lived experience
– Focus on impact, results and change
– Critical thinking and reflexive learning 

Join us as we co-construct a global feminist classroom. 

Introduction to Gender Training

Try our self-paced course “Introduction to Gender Training“. 

This dynamic, interactive training will introduce you to the conceptual and practice foundations of gender training. (FREE with Annual Membership) 

How to be a Gender Trainer May 2025

Dr Our best-selling course delivered by Founder Dr Lucy Ferguson

Gain the skills, tools and confidence needed to deliver high quality feminist training. 

Decolonising Monitoring & Evaluation and Research: Practical Guidance from a Feminist Approach 26 & 28 March,
2 & 4 April 2025

Practical strategies for decolonising M&E and research, guided by feminist principles.

Delivered by Dr Michelle Lokot

Building Competencies in Cultural Awareness and Diversity
in the Multicultural Workplace
18, 20, 25, 27 March 2025

Deepen your self awareness on unconscious biases and learn how to balance power relations and accommodate diversity in the workplace. 

Delivered by Njeri Kimotho

Gender and Inclusion in Proposals: Strategies and Tools for an Integrated Approach
21, 23, 25, 28, 30 April 2025

Effectively integrate gender and inclusion in project design, proposal development, and new business development processes.

Delivered by Emily B. Brown

Feminist Facilitation

Hire us to facilitate your event following the principles of feminist facilitation: ethics of collective care; horizontal, intersectional, inclusive, experience-based; space for critical thinking and reflection; action for transformative, feminist political change. 


“A Transformative tool for gender equality
Lucy Ferguson”

“Working Paper Gender-transformative Evaluation of Training”,
UN Women Training Centre 2018

“Exploring Privilege through Feminist Gender Training”, European Journal of Politics and Gender 2019

What people are saying about Fabulous Feminists


The How to Be a Gender Trainer course with Lucy Ferguson on the Cynara Gender Training Platform and Consult- ing has been an incredible opportunity to reconnect with my career as a gender analyst and consultant.

For an entire week, we immersed ourselves in theoretical and practical tools to design and lead workshops and courses in a dynamic and participatory way. Learning by doing, validating experiences, and having a “safe-brave” space to co-create critical thinking among all the participants, allowed me to incorporate the fundamental princi- ples of feminist pedagogies. The course also opened the doors for me to expand my networks internationally.

Thanks to the facilitation of Lucy and all the participants, today I feel much more prepared and confident about being able to lead future courses and consultancies on gender and social inclusion.

~Susan Cabezas Cartes

BY Susan Cabezas Cartes

“The How to Be a Gender Trainer course with Lucy Ferguson on the Cynara Gender Training Platform and Consulting has been an incredible opportunity to reconnect with my career as a gender analyst and consultant…”

This testimonial was written by Susan Cabezas Cartes, social anthropologist and gender analyst, who participated in the “How To Be a Gender Trainer” course with Dr. Lucy Ferguson in October 2022.



“I really believe feminist principles in training and research can facilitate a necessary shift and balance of power.”
I was really excited to join the “How to be a Gender Trainer” training course in February 2023. I was drawn to this training because I really believe feminist principles in training and research can facilitate a necessary shift and bal- ance of power and therefore ownership of the processes involved compared to traditional approaches.

It was a privilege to be able to spend the week of this training not only taking time to critically reflect and discuss feminist pedagogical principles (FPP) with other enthusiastic and dedicated participants but also observe the in- structor, Dr. Lucy Ferguson, and my workshop colleagues implement these through practical activities in a safe, inclusive and constructive learning space. Lucy really lives and breathes these FPPs through every aspect of the workshop.

This training provided the space to answer many of my questions about FPPs, but has also left me asking even more questions about what this might look like in the projects I am working on, and how I am going to approach different consultancies prioritising these principles and values. I think that is a clear sign of an excellent training! I am really look forward to the follow up session!

~Donna Marie

This testimonial was written by Donna-Marie Fry, a participant in the
“How to Be a Gender Trainer” course with Dr. Lucy Ferguson in February 2023.

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